Marketing Well in a Crisis

We’ve all lost our “third place” – that place that isn’t either work or home. Most of us have lost our “second place” in layoffs or office closures. For many of us, there’s only ONE place now – home – and unless we do the work to establish new routines for ourselves, cabin fever will rapidly ensue.

People, doing their personal best to keep their own lives together in this situation, look to leaders and for examples of surviving and thriving… and that can be you. How can you serve as a leader to help your clients and community reestablish their identity?

About the speaker: Nick Armstrong is the Geek-in-Chief behind WTF Marketing, Fort Collins Startup Week, and Fort Collins Comic Con. He’s a dad, author, Ignite, PechaKucha, Startup Week, and TEDx speaker, audio drama enthusiast, and award-winning entrepreneur.